Museum funds “on hold” as Park economy faces difficulty

In one of their first acts, The Park’s 35 incoming Archons put a “temporary” hold on funding for the new historical museum.

The museum, which will chronicle the social, cultural, political, and economic history of The Park was expected to open within five years. The provisional management board had expected to receive funding from a number of Park businesses, as well as from the Archons. Much of that funding has dried up, as well, according to Sukuta Rhinoceros, head of the provisional board and one of the museum’s founders.

“Things were going swimmingly until this slump in the [Park’s] economy,” the Rhinoceros said at a press conference recently. “It’s sent us into a tailspin and I don’t know when we’ll be able to say with any certainty that our plans [for building] will go forward.”

In the meantime, however, the Rhinoceros confirmed that the design competition for the museum building will go ahead.

“We’re a few months late, but whenever we do start to build, we’ll need a design, so there’s no point in delaying plans for that,” she said.

Guidelines for the design competition, as well as other information about the project can be found at the museum’s

Reprinted with permission from The Mammalian Daily, Autumn 27 AZ (2009)